
学生工作 · 2013年4月11日· 德育处

亲爱的老师们、同学们,春天已经悄悄到来,盎然的生机已跃动在校园的每个角落。我们知道春天是孕育万物和充满希望的季节,同时春季潮湿温和的气候也是细菌生长的温床,因此,在这春回大地万物复苏之际,同学们享受春光的同时还要千万记得防止疾病的发生。xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office” /?













**Dear all:

Spring is coming incessantly, making the school full of vigor. Although spring is a season of hope and life, it also brings all kinds of disease. The warm and moisture weather is the best condition for the growing of bacteria. While enjoying the precious spring, don’t forget to prevent yourselves from getting infected.

The most significant way to prevent is to keep tidy and clean. Never underestimate the importance of sanity which is the basic guarantee for your life. It makes no difference whether it is influenza, tetanus or AIDS that you’ve got; the point is they are all related to the sanity status. In order to enhance people’s vigilance, Apr. 7th has been established to be the World Health Day since 1950.

‘Sanity’ is a word that you could see anywhere, and because of this, it’s easy for people to ignore the importance of it. The only reason for the establishment of World Heath Day is that we want the public to be alert about sanity problems. It couldn’t be better if everyone cared about their own fitness initiatively and that’s the essence of setting up WHD. During the WHD’s periods, a lot of countries including China hold unique activities to popularize health knowledge.

The theme of 2013’s WHD is hypertension. There’s a survey that shows one out of every three adults in the world has got hypertension. The data are so shocking that it’s not hard to understand the necessity of developing a good habit, ESP. about your diet.

As secondary school students, studying is perfectly vital in our life. You will get tons of work to do even if you’ve just caught a cold. The efficient way to keep away from influenza is to keep clean and tidy. Here are some ways that we consider quite useful:

1.       The eligible personal sanity status is the elementary insurance for your health. Wash your hands frequently, cut your nails once a week and be hyper-vigilant to whatever you eat.

2.       Have a well-balanced diet. Keep away from any restaurants that don’t have business licenses. Because the illegal additive composed in the food will always cause bunches of problems. The most vicious and notorious additive that have already been exposed are antibiotics, illegal cooking oil, plasticizer, hormone etc. Also, be aware of the food that has been infiltrated by formalin or mercury.

3.       Open the window; it does good help to prevent from catching cold. Also, the pollution of the air is an invisible killer. Formaldehyde, a dominant cause of leukemia and kinds of cancers, which you can easily find in the air. Accompany with formaldehyde, nicotine and carbon monoxide are also dreadful factors that lead to lung cancer and pneumonia. We strongly suggest keeping some plants like bracketplant, evergreen cane which can purify the air in the classroom.

In a nutshell, fitness is the basic thing of other things. You should batten down the hatches before the disease hits because it’s obviously better than go to the hospital and get a shot. In this way, everyone should develop a good lifestyle and get a healthy lifetime.**