
学生工作 · 2012年12月29日· 德育处

1553年,葡萄牙人取得澳门居住权;xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office” /?

















Marco is an inalienable part of China, situated along the southeast coast, in the west of the Pearl-River Delta. However, it was taken by Portuguese in1557. And then in 1887,the government of Portugal signed an agreement of 40 years with China. Marco became the European countries’first area in the east of Asia.

During those years, Marco left China just like a baby lost his mother. Although it couldn’t be with us, all the Chinese tried to make Marco come back to its motherland. To our joy , after more than 400 years,Marco came back to China on December 20th 1999. All the people with the same language, the same voice and the same yellow skin will remember this day.

The history tells us that we need be powerful. We have been making every effort to make our motherland stronger, from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the first space walk, from the first aircraft carrier to the nickname “Made in China.” Our country is much richer and stronger than before, but we still have a long way to go.

It is the time of challenge; it is time of opportunities. It is the best of times; it is the worst of times. It is the age of wisdom; it is the age of foolishness. Now on the 13th anniversary of Marco coming back to its motherland, it is a time for us to learn from history and stride forward for a brighter future. We are standing at a crossroads. Now on the 13th anniversary of Marco coming back to its motherland, it is a time for us to learn from history. Let’s take actions to turn into talents for society. Let’s take actions to run a internationalized foreign languages school. Let’s take actions to make a more prosperous motherland.