
学生工作 · 2012年11月22日· 德育处



大家听说过这样一句话吗?真诚不是智慧,但它能放射出比只会更诱人的光泽。茫茫人海,芸芸众生,在我们的日常生活中哪一处能缺少真诚?真诚是什么,真诚是病痛中的一剂良药,是沙漠中的一汪清泉,是阴云遮不住的一片晴空。xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office” /?









Appealing fro Honesty

Have you ever heard such a saying, “Honesty is not wit, but it can send out more attractive luster than wit. We need honesty very much in our life.”

What is honesty? Honesty is a bitter medicine, A spring in the desert and a patch of blue sky between the clouds.

Confucius once said, “If a person is dishonest, what kinds of things can he then?” Again, as the saying goes,” Once you have made a promise, you must carru it out.”

Perhaps we are little grass on the roadsides, a small brook in the valley and small potatoes in ordinary life. But we should never forget how important honesty is.

So I’d like to put forward a proposal to all of you. To be honest students! Don’t cheat in exams. Don’t copy other’s homework. Don’t cheat your parents. Admit your mistakes to your parents or teachers as soon as possible. Never break a promise. Avoid empty talk, and mean what you say.

Let’s appeal for honesty together, because honesty is the most gorgeous color in our lives.

Class eight High school freshman

November 19, 2012