
学生工作 · 2012年11月20日· 德育处

11月10日是世界青年节,其主旨在于向青年传播希望,使青年人充满自信和力量。它是一次向全世界青年传播真理的机会,他也是一次呼吁,让全世界的青年走到一起,团结如一人,而节日的主角正是我们。xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office” /?





高二 6班


In our Name

November 10th is World Youth Day, the purpose of which is to spread hope, make the young people become confident and strengthened. It is the opportunity to diffuse the truth, and also to let the youth get united together, we——the youth, are the leading role on this day.

Dear students, have you ever thought why we live in the world? This is not the category of philosophy, but actually the problem we all have to face. We human beings live on the earth, taking up space and using resources, so we have our own value, which means we human beings have to make contributions to the world. As we all know, the youth are full of energy, imagination and creativity, and we are capable of applying our innovative intelligence to serving the world.

Maybe you will feel it a remote and strange topic to change the world, or maybe you think it is only a great leader’s privilege, on the contrary, these sort of things happen in our lives, but we young people do create changes. For example, when you pick up the garbage on the playground, sweep the floor in the classroom, you are changing the environment, you are changing the world. But most importantly, only when we have the consciousness of changing the world, can we use the spirit of innovative, the belief of persistency, to change the world in our name.

Once Marx said “If we choose the best job for human welfare and work for the people, we will not be beaten by any difficulty because what we do is for everyone instead of ourselves. At that time he was a young man, and this should become every youth’s beliefs.

My dear fellow students, I don’t think you want to be unaccomplished, so let’s join together to change the world in our name, we want to alter the world, we will eventually improve the world.