
学生工作 · 2012年10月31日· 德育处

独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。每当读起这首诗时,你是否会在不经意间忆起好久不见的朋友,牵挂起家里的老人?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office” /?








The Valuable Double Nine Festival


    As the time passes, autumn is coming, and the double nine festival is coming too. The double nine festival is a traditional festival. We give chrysanthemums to the old and they also climb mountains and drink alcohol to show the their respect to the old


    Piety is always a virtue of Chinese. It’s the spirit of the Chinese culture. We should respect the old. From a baby to an adult, our parents take care of us. They see all of our childhood and homelife. But now, there are many old men who don’t have their children aside them and need help. Like the well-saying is said: an old man is like an old bookshelf, even though it isn’t beautiful now, it is full of experience and wisdom. In xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢smarttags” /?China, they’re the samples of wisdom. They know a lot about the old ages. The first step of our life is not lonely because of them. So look forward to the future with them. Give them your company and a bunch of flowers or make a warm telephone call. The moving moment will stay in your memory forever.

Thank you for listening,


Class 3, Grade 8, The 22nd of October 2012


Fête du Double Neuf Bonjour,tout le monde,

    La fête du Double Neuf a lieu au 9e jour du 9e mois lunaire (environ en octobre).

    les deux « 9 » ont une prononciation que le mot « longévité ».Ce jour-là, on a coutume de manger des gâteaux « double yang ».Depuis lantiquité, les Chinois adorent le chrysanthèmeEn 1989, le gouvernement chinois a rendu officiellement le 9 du 9e mois lunaire la fête des personnes âgées. Beaucoup de familles offrent également aux aînés un cadeau ou les accompagnent pour faire une promenade.

  Et nous jeune ,respectons nos aine depuis ce-jour ci
