
学生工作 · 2012年6月20日· 德育处

又到了6月的后半月,进入了这个闷热而又潮湿的时间,这就意味着,期末考试就要来了。期末考试,就是对这一学期所学的知识的一次检验,对知识掌握情况的一次评估。所以,它是我们学习路上默默帮助我们的一位好帮手,给学习认真的同学一份愉快的奖励,给没有认真的同学敲响警钟。然而,现在这位好帮手在许多同学眼里变为了对自己折磨的刑具,忧心忡忡,惶惶不可终日,使这位帮手变为了一位费力不讨好的帮手。xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office” /?





让我们勇敢的面对期末考试,以客观的心态面对期末考试,以平常心去迎接期末考试。像老朋友见面一样来会见他,来让它真实的反应我们的水平。在这次演讲的最后,我们还是要提醒大家,不要为了一时之利而做出作弊这样的傻事,那样会害了自己。最后,预祝每位同学在期末考试中取得好成绩。(摄影/范乃夫 靳玉吉)



Into the latter half of June, this damp and hot period of time implies the coming of the final examinations. The final examinations are aimed at testing what we have learned as well as how well we can make use of our knowledge. Therefore, they are of great help since they offer remarkable rewards to those assiduous, while warning the students being slack.

However, the tests are perceived by some students to be suffering, which literally makes the tests lose their role to help. Since the final exams are beneficial to us, we naturally shouldn’t have negative attitudes towards them. The boredom brought by negative attitudes may keep us from fully concentrating on our studies, and, as a result, may make the exams tortures and affect our performances during them. So how can we positively confront the final exams? The suggestions are as follows:

First, face the exams bravely. There must be a great deal of knowledge learned by us and our level of learning has been improved significantly due to our hard work in this semester. Only with confidence and bravery, can we triumph over our weaknesses and improve ourselves. Being in front of the inevitable exams, we have the possibility to win if we possess courage and confidence. On the contrary, without them, we are destined to failures.

Secondly, we must take an objective attitude to the exam. As part of a learning process, final exam has a close relationship with our study. It will honestly reflect our learning situation. Therefore, to a large extent, examination is fair to every one of us. Learning is a cumulative process. Mere two weeks of cramming is not possible to turn a student into one of the top ten in the class. However, with continuous efforts and adequate review, to get a satisfying grade is just natural. Thus, do not pin your hope on luck. Without a certain amount of accumulation, keys to the questions will not occur to you spontaneously. For suggestion, do not set unrealistic goals, prepare for your exam with a positive mind, and display your actual ability during the exam.

Third, we must take a proper attitude to the exam. Neither think too much of it, nor look down on it. Too much focus on the final exam will make our minds overstrained or immersed in worry, and not able to dedicate ourselves to learning, leading to a vicious cycle. Even after the exam, we may not be able to get rid of the shade of exam by punishing ourselves for our own mistakes. On the contrary, underestimate of the importance of the exam will lead us to an absent-minded, slothful state, which affects not only ourselves but also our classmates by undermining the learning atmosphere.

Let the courage be with us. Let the objective and proper mind be with us. Face the final exam as an old friend, and let it indicate our true study level. At last, we would like to remind everyone that cheating is never something wise to be committed. Wish each student good results in the final exam!