
学生工作 · 2012年5月10日· 德育处

1948年起,每年的5月8日,世界精神卫生组织把这天订立为“世界微笑日”。的确,每一个人都需要放缓脚步,静观周围美好的事物,凝神谛听大自然的天赖,让绷紧的脸庞舒缓,皱紧的眉宇打开,让微笑在脸上绽放,才能融解人们彼此之间的冰霜和风寒。 xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office” /?


微笑,是自信者的表现.,微笑是快乐者的标志;微笑,是成功者的信用;微笑,是失败者的航标;微笑,是负罪者的重生;微笑,是无业者的本钱。  向世界露出你坚强的微笑。不要抱怨生活给予了太多的磨难,不必抱怨生命中有太多的曲折。把每—次的失败都归结为一次尝试,不去自卑;把每一次的成功都想象成一种幸运,不去自傲。就这样,微笑着弹奏从容的弦乐,去面对挫折,去接受幸福,去品味孤独,去战胜忧伤。






八年三班  宣


World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday in the month of October every year and it was defined in 1948.The slogan of the Smile Foundation is “improving this world, one smile at a time.” The Foundation continues as the official sponsor of World Smile Day each year.

As the saying goes, “Hardships and frustration make a person great man”. Life doesnt always go on smoothly. It varies from time to time. When failure comes to you, dont abandon yourself to despair, please smile to yourself and try again. When you are in trouble, dont lose heart, just smile to life, and youll get over it at last. The power of smiling is great.

Whats more, smiling more contributes to reducing study pressure. Only if you own a good mood you can make great progress. With the college entrance examination drawing near, lets equip us with smiles and believe in ourselves. A bright future just lies before us.

Life is a long journey which is full of flowers and thorns. Smile to life, and you will gain an unexpected result.

Just smiling, and you will become younger!

Just smiling, and you will harvest success!

Just Smiling, and you will lead a happier life!