
学生工作 · 2012年3月7日· 德育处

2012年3月5日升旗仪式xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office” /?










翻开小外的史册,为了那无言的承诺,她们日夜兼程却无怨无悔。她们把青春年华扎根五尺讲台,她们将家庭搁置而投身于教学工作,她们如园丁般埋头苦干而不知疲倦 ,因为她们明白“一个孩子,就是一个家庭;一个家庭,就是一份希望”  同学们,明天她们的眼眸也许不如往日清晰,明天她们的头发也许不如往日乌黑,明天她们的歌喉也许不如往昔嘹亮,就让我们在有限的岁月里,怀着一颗感恩的心,在妇女节即将来临之际,献上我们最真挚的祝福吧,预祝全校所有女教师节日快乐,工作顺利!


高二8班  宣

It is well known that the International Women’s Day on Mar.8th is to commemorate women’s effort in struggling for peace, democracy and liberation. On Mar.8th 1909, Women’s union of xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢smarttags” /?Chicago USA demonstrated,demanding equal rights. In August of the next year, the second international sociologist women conference was held in Copgen , Denmark, in which a resolution was settled that every Mar.8th would be International Women’s Day in order promote the unity and liberation of women world wide.

Of all ages, many famous people praise the female as the lovingness emissary. When Liang Hongyu uses her wisdom to beat back the enemy; when Madame Curie uses the radium to cast into a new milestone; when the dawn come, Jiang Zhujun faces the enemy’s knife camly ; when the Chinese Women Volleyboll Team uses the strong power to win five prizes, change the spirit of combat into the nation’s motivation. People will not have any doubt that the great women have been making the sky bluer.

Women today have been continuing the glorious history to show their wisdom charm , among them stand our female teachers both beautiful in appearance and innerside .

Reading through our school’s history ,we’re got to know that many female teachers worked hard everyday and night for their silent promise , but always without complaints , they put their own youth on the platform and students , but they are most willing to do that , they put their family in the second , the cause of education in the first place , they work hard , no matter how many difficulties , they are not afraid at all and bravely overcome it . Because they understand that “A child represents a family, a family is a hope .”  My fellow schoolmates , maybe tomorrow their voice isn’t so loudly as before , perhaps tomorrow their hair is no more black than before , maybe they look no clear than before , let us in a short limited time with a grateful heart to wish our female teachers a happy festival .Together, let’s wish them happiness every day . Thanks for your listening!

Class 8 ,   Senior 2
