
学生工作 · 2017年5月24日· 德育处





过去是打开未来的钥匙,这把钥匙如今就藏在博物馆里。大英博物馆作为世界上历史最悠久的博物馆,收藏着开启人类新思想的著作《资本论》;陈列在我国甘肃省博物馆的东汉青铜器“马踏飞燕”,作为中国旅游业的图形标志,架起了中国与全世界游客的沟通桥梁……曾经的盛世繁华,丝路花雨,被博物馆的藏品, 如实的还原和再现。而今天,博物馆里丰富多彩的收藏,也为我们架起了一条沟 通世界的新丝路,让来自不同国家,不同民族的博物馆观众在持续的格物致知中, 更好地认识各种文明的价值。     

文明如水,润物无声。博物馆作为一部凝固的历史,通过物化的藏品将如水流逝的记忆,定格为不朽,博物馆也是一座桥梁,通过激活凝固于藏品中的记忆, 沟通古今,沟通世界,沟通你我。让我们以史为鉴,铭记历史中的绚烂芳华,传承历史中的博大精深,收藏过去,展望未来。

International Museum Day

Good morning dear teachers and schoolmates !

My speech today is about international museum day. 170 years ago, a politician of Tsing Dynasty once said:‘Certain things are to be met but to be recognized, for neither can one experience all times, nor can he travel all lands.’ Well, time flies, today, while travelling, museums are undoubtedly on top of our lists. Through them, we could totally witness, yesterday once more. 

May the 18th is International Museum Day, when the museums around the world will do publicities and hold ceremonies to enhance social awareness of heritage protection.

Visiting the museum benefits us a lot. It can enrich our thoughts and broaden our horizons. There are treasures of great historical value displayed in cabinets around the world. For example, the script of «Capital», a foundational theoretical text of Communism, is lying peacefully in Great British Museum, while the bronze statue  ’ Galloping Horse’

in Gansu Museum represents the thrive of Chinese tourism. Those once were symbols of prosperity and beauty were presented again by the exhibition of museums.

While the Gross Domestic Product measures the material wealth of a city, the amount of museums measures the spiritual one. On this special day, let’s go and visit museums, where we can relive the mystery, unlock the history and revitalize the memory.