
学生工作 · 2017年4月7日· 德育处











Every March 14th is the international police day which is dedicated to all the courageous man and women who serve as police officers . In 2004, the ministry of Public Security announced that every March 14th is the international Police Day. And It is celebrated on this day until now. However, almost all the policemen only celebrate their own festival with their onerous work.

When the darkness comes and the clouds fade. They start a new journey, when the first ray of the morning sun comes out, they are back with a night of tiredness. When we are chatting with our families and friends harmoniously, they prop up our happiness. They never regret that they choose this hard way to carry out obligations which means to protect us.

Because of them, we can have a peaceful environment to study. Because of them, we can sleep deeply in those dangerous nights.

They are the People’s Police! The responsibility let them to make a wall between the black and white with their youth and life. Every single page they paint, make a immortal story: Police will protect our country.

Schoolmates, when you meet a policeman or policewoman, will you salute to them?

When a police is solving your problem, will you be grateful and say thank you to them?

Certainly, they don’t want our compliments, they just want to tell the world that if we have them, the world will be better and more peaceful. Because they’re the People’s Police.

Please say happy international Police Day to them for their hard work.