20160418国旗下演讲——践行社会主义核心价值观——自由 平等 公正 法治
学生工作 · 2016年4月21日· 德育处
. 公正,即社会公平与正义,从孙中山的“天下为公”,到毛泽东同志提出的“公私兼顾”、“城乡兼顾”,再到今天我们所倡导的社会主义核心价值观,都充分体现了中国一代代人对公正的不断追求。就如习主席所说的“生活在我们伟大祖国和伟大时代的中国人民,共同享有人生出彩的机会,共同享有梦想成真的机会,共同享有同祖国和时代一起成长与进步的机会。”
During the 18th CPC National Congress, a report specifically listed 3 proposals.Among them liberty, equality, justice and legality are the core socialist values.
Liberty is the key to socialism. However, having freedom doesn’t mean it is all right to do whatever we want to, it is only acceptable to do the right things. Our freedom is restrained by laws, our own moral compass and discipline. Only then can we make sure each and every one of us is truly free.
Equality means being treated the same way. What socialist values suggested was making sure everyone was getting their equal profit based on their contribution towards society, by an equal social system and value guidance.
Justice and freedom are not two separate objects and what bonds these two is the law. Once separated, neither justice nor freedom will exist. A nation without law can never be justified. Law, as the core of socialist values, is what we should strictly follow.
Liberty comes from laws. Equality makes justice. Even though liberty, equality justice and legality are four irrelevant objects, they also share a unique unity and cannot be separated. Therefore, as students from the 21st century, we should have a better understanding of the core socialist values and turn our thoughts in to actions. Work hard to turn our country in to a socialist modernization of democracy.
En novembre 2012,le 18e Congrès du PCC a proposé clairement «Trois Conseils »,c’est « promouvoir la prospérité, la démocratie, la civilisation, l’harmonie,promouvoir la liberté, l’égalité, la justice, la règne de la loi , promouvoir le patriotisme,l’intégrité,la gentillesse et la déontologie professionnelle».Ces 24 mots résument les valeurs fondamentales du socialisme dans les domaines national, communautaire et personnel.«La liberté,l’égalité, la justice et la règne de la loi» révèlent l’orientation de la valeur socialiste.La liberté vient de la règne de la loi,l’égalité facilite la justice.Laissez - nous agir avec dynamisme pour la modernisation socialiste de notre démocratie!
En noviembre de dos mil doce, el gobierno chino declaró claramente la nueva teoría, para promover la prosperida、la civilización y la armonía. Estas veinticuarto palabras, respectivamente, se clasifican los valores fundamentales del socialismo desde el Estado, la sociedad y el individuo de tres niveles。Entre ellos,“La libertad, la igualdad, la justicia, ” revelan los valores fundamentales del socialismo en el valor de la dimensión social de la orientación,y todo esto es necesario para garantizar el imperio del derecho como,la libertad no es la libertad sin ley, no hay igualda,no puede haber justicia.