
学生工作 · 2015年12月9日· 德育处










                        2015年10月19日  高一1班宣

Greeting, my reverential teachers and dear schoolmates:

  Today, our speech is oriented to International day for the eradication of poverty. The topic of poverty becomes a serious and controversial issue instead of a festival with a common and delightful atmosphere.

  Poverty, a word we have all known, though, few of us did experience that kind of impoverished situation. According to the statistics, the number of extremely impoverished people has reached 1.2 billion, which equals to nearly 17% of the world population. In other words, there is one person suffering from economic problems among a group of five on average.

  Meanwhile, China, the second largest economy system in the world with such wealthy provinces by the eastern coast, still contains 70 million impoverished people. In December 1992, it was decided that every October 17th since 1993 is named as “international day for the eradication of poverty” in a seminar organized by UN.

  Impoverished people are dying without basic life support because of hunger, diseases and economic problems. Amatia Marson, who won the Nobel Prize on economy in 1998, said, “poverty is essentially the short of ability to create wealth and seize opportunities”. People there, who worry so much about how to survive, become careless about teenagers’ education. Thus, the general situation of impoverished area becomes worse and worse.

  And now, speaking of poverty again, would it remind you of the starving children and their hopeless mothers? How do you feel about that image? Sorry for them or pity for yourself? To be honest, the attitude of majority of people tends to be more aversion than compassion. The cruelest harm for impoverished population, which is more hurtful than the physical pathos, is the infringing upon human rights and dignities.

Still, we can’t deny that poverty is an awkward situation, which widely exists on the edges of society. The local governments in poor areas aren’t able to support their people. This is right the moment for us to show our sympathy and enthusiasm and to provide our help.

  A number of industrialists are contributing to develop agriculture there and are doing their utmost to develop light industries and crafting business to enrich the area. Graduates from colleges and universities are willing to teach there far away from prosperous cities. It’s not a dream to get knowledge for those kids any more after the generous efforts being done. Lots of doctors chose to give up their original life to help those desperate souls. All these are done by grown-ups, yet, there are things we can do to state our care.

  Some may sneer, for we have no income at all. Some may claim that they don’t have enough energy or time to do so. These words can’t change the truth, though, every step we take can influence those people. From today on, we swear not to waste any resources, if each one of us could save a single drop of water, a kid in needy areas could get a glass of water tomorrow; if each of us could save a grain of rice, there will be one less child dying of hunger tomorrow.

  The eradication of poverty should be regarded as an endless career of all people who believe in justice. This requires passion, purity and virtuous hearts. The enthusiasm is like a bonfire, which is warming up the freezing winter, and the kindness is carrying a full sack of love to end the violence of starvation and ignorance. There, out in the darkness, God is smiling upon us, blessing us and watching us. All of his children, one-day, shall sit together, cheering for their happiness and joys.

  Thank you for listening, class 1 senior 1.

  Oct 19th ,2015