
学生工作 · 2015年12月9日· 德育处





中国人特别讲究亲情,特别珍视团圆,中秋节尤为甚。 中秋,是一个飘溢亲情的节日;中秋,是一个弥漫团圆的时节。这个时节,感受亲情、释放亲情、增进亲情;这个时节,盼望团圆、追求团圆、享受团圆……这些,构成了人们的生活,构成了这个节日特别的温暖气氛。





            天津外大附校     高一6班宣

September again, the Mid-Autumn Festival again.

The 15thof the eighth lunar month is our traditional festival–the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is the second most important traditional festival to us Chinese.

During the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the full silver moon rises and looks bright and clear. And it is thought to be the symbol of family reunion. The history of the Moon Festival is relevant to the stories of ‘Chang’ e flying to the moon’, ‘Wu Gang chopping the tree’ and ‘Jade hare making heavenly medicine’. After Chang’ e ate the elixir by accident, she flew to the moon. However, it is freezing on the moon, so Chang complained to her husband and said, ‘Tomorrow night there will be a full moon, please make a round mass of food from flour and put it in the northeast of the house. Then you need to call my name continuously. I’ll be back at midnight. The following day, Hou Yi did so as what his wife’s said. At that moment, Chang’ e flew off the moon and the couple met each other just as expected. Therefore, the folk customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival are related to the moon. Emperors in ancient China observed a custom of praying to the sun in Spring and to the moon in Autumn. We Chinese civilians also have the custom of praying to the moon. But through many years’ of evolution, people enjoy the entertainment activities instead of praying to the glorious full moon. Nowadays, during this warm and pleasant festival, people usually enjoying gazing at and appreciating the full moon, relishing mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of tea and visiting their relatives and friends. All these activities make the Mid-Autumn Festival warm., which is the power of familial affection. In this cool autumn, during this annual Mid-Autumn Festival, when we appreciate a bright moon hanging in the sky, when we look up at the firmament, shall we think of our relatives or friends far away? At nightfall, every day our parents prepare the dinner and wait for us to get home to have dinner together. When we leave home, they will follow us with their eyes and worry about us silently. Facing this deep love, how shall we feel gratitude and requite?

During this wonderful festival, please send greetings to the relatives in the distance.

During the festival, please serve our parents by offering a cup of tea respectfully.

There’s a famous saying ‘Mothers always worry about their sons who are far away from home.’ From now on, we should work hard. The more we are matured, the less worried our parents will feel. Wherever we go, please think of our relatives and friends who love us forever and make everyday a warm Mid- Autumn Festival.