
学生工作 · 2015年1月20日· 德育处










I will be likened to the raindrop,

which washes away the mountain,

the ant who devours a tiger;

the star which brightens the earth;

the slave who builds a pyramid.

I will build my castle one brick at atime,

for I know that small attempts, repeated,

will complete any undertaking.

I will persist until I succeed!

Good morning, dear teachers & schoolmates.

Today the topic is related to study perseveringly. When it comes to it, it largely clue to a certain kind character.

Of all the advantageous characters to have, perseverance plays the greatest role in one’s success. Other characters, such as intelligence, confidence, and honesty, are no doubt important, but they do not necessarily guarantee success. Perseverance offers no guarantees either, but this trait offers one more opportunity to succeed.

Life’s journey, freguently directed along uneven paths, is one in which one faces many unfavourable situations .Yet the warfarer has to continue his journey whatever the odds. This is called perseverance. One who possesses this quality reaches the destination of success in this world. The greater the perseverance is the greater the success you will achieve.

Perseverance is a great element of success. It is easily combined with other traits such as diligence & confidence to the chances of success. However without p, one’s success may be more dependant on luck than anything else.

At last, here’s a sentence as a gift.

You will persist until you succeed!

Class 3 Senior 1

Jancary 5th 2015