
学生工作 · 2015年1月20日· 德育处











                        Ring out the 2014 and ring in the 2015

The farewell of 2014 is coming. This year is full of development and achievement with struggles and perspiration. However, those feelings are all the compulsory subjects of growth. We sprinkled the precious three years to achieve our dreams at TFLS. For the same target, we fight side by side!

In 2014, everyday we faced plenty of quizzes and exams. On the way to realize our dreams, we experienced a lot of successes and setbacks which helped to strengthen and sharpen our willpower. Until someday, we can use our strong heart and independent mind to take the responsibilities of promoting Chinese culture and to build up the bridge between eastern and western cultures.

We always believe that each kind of languages contains profound connotation of national culture. To propagate and promote national cultures are the purposes of teaching foreign languages.

Time flies! Maybe you are still yearning for the past. Maybe you have been experience the success and setback, pains and happiness. But all of these are passing just like the time.

Forever is not to sign in sympathy with the past. Forever is to cherish every minute, every moment that we went through. In the Christmas month, from internal and external of the school, AP center students left their footprints. We use our youth to describe Christmas month’s meaning.

New year is coming, we should summarize our foible in the past time, steel ourselves, and achieve to the next level. Let’s meet 2015 in a new horizon.

The whole students at Tianjin Foreign Languages School AP center’s wish all teachers and students: Happy new year!

                                               AP center senior 2
