
学生工作 · 2014年10月11日· 德育处















                   谢谢大家      高二三班宣

Good morning everyone, my topic today is: Remembering the bygone humiliation, revitalizing our mother nation.

Dear friends, when you are looking through the history of China, can you remember pur painful past? When you are watching the Olympic champions holding their medals, can you memorize our desperate trembling?

   The history of China is a mixture of both glory and humiliation. Since 1840, when the powder gun of western intruders break the door of Qing Dynasty, we Chinese have been considered as the sick men of East Asia. Fortunately, intelligent and valiant as our forefathers were, the managed to rescue the country from despair and established the People’s Republic of China, a nation that is independent and prosperous.

   Forgetting the past means betray. Leading a stable life as we are today, we shall always bear in mind, the nation’s painful past and work harder for tomorrow!

   October the 1st is the 65th birthday of our mother country, and October the 3rd is the 50th birthday of our beloved Tianjin Foreign Languages School. Here, on behalf of all our schoolmates, we here wish our school more vigorous ad glorious and our country more prosperity for the future!

   Happy Birthday!

                                                               Class 3 Senior 2

                                                          September the 29th, 2014

Сегодня день рождения нашей страны. Мы знаем что все мы прошли через те трудные времена , и сейчас  мы видим как быстро развивается наша страна.

Когда ты смотришь на достижения нашей родины, задумались ли вы

, кто сделал нашу страну такой великой. Спасибо тем людям которые помогли стране встать на ноги.

Сейчас наша страна стала на много сильней чем была  и мы должны гордиться ей.

           В конце я хочу сказать: С днем рождения родина!

                                                               С днем рождения школа!

Спасибо за внимание!