
学生工作 · 2014年10月11日· 德育处

    敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:早上好!今天我演讲的主题是:“迎小外五十华诞 贺母校桃李天下”。










Good morning teachers and fellow students,

  As far back as 1964,TFLS was established,it has been fifty years.During the last 50 years,our school has started to write her own brilliant history and has been cherished by every student as a precious experience.The 50th anniversary honoured us a chance to join the historic ceremony.So great is our passion for celebrating,that we plan to commemorate those glory days leading to an even brighter future.

  TFLS for us, is a paradise where we ought to spend our efforts.She is warm and family-like,teaching us unity and diligency.And for those who have graduated,TFLS is a place containing loads of memories and providing opportuniyies to acheive their aspirations.It goes without saying that one thing is certain whoever we are,we all resolve to make contributions to our school in return for her education and solicitude.

  And now,we can enjoy reading in the brand-new library which was donated by one of our schoolmates.We can walk in the buildings with elaborately decorated walls.We can appreciate arts and science everywhere in our campus.

  Moreover,we are supposed to try our best to do something for our school,either writing an article or preparing a poem,you can also choose to be a volunteer in the ceremony.Let’s do some thing to express our gratitude to our school and our respectable teachers.Let’s acclaim TFLS for her splendid harvest and make sure we are composing her a new chapter together!

                                   Student Union
