

Ms.Zhu Liping, member of the Tianjin Municipal Standing Committee of the CPC, and Secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Education Committee on campus to investigate our work 


Deputy Chairman and Head of the Municipal Education Bureau, our almni Mr. Li Yali ;Mr. Wang Jing, Director of Tianjin Municipal Education Commission unveiling the nameplate of our School History Museum  


Honorable leaders and  guests in the School History Museum 

**2006年教师节,天津市市长戴相龙(前排右三),副市长 张俊芳(右一),到“小外”视察,并亲切慰问教职工

Dai Xianglong,Mayor of Tianjin,Zhang Junfang,Vice Mayor,came to TFLS to give instructions on the Teachers`Day of 2006 and to convey to the teachers their solicitude**

**天津市人大主任刘胜玉(时任市委副书记 右二)、市人大副主任王德惠(左三)、副市长陈质枫(左二)等市领导来我校进行调研

Liu Shengyu,Dean of Tianjin Peoples Congress and former Vice Secretary of Tianjin Municipal Committee,Wang Dehui,Vice Dean of Peoples Committee of Tianjin,Chen Zhifeng,Vice Mayor of Tianjin,were doing research in TFLS**

**天津市政协主席邢元敏(时任市委副书记 左二)来我校视察

Xing Yuanmin,Chairman of CPPCC of Tianjin and former Vice Secretary of Tianjin Municipal Committee come to TFLS to qive instructions**


Li Yali,Deputy Director of the Tianjin People`s Congress was being interviewed by the leaders of TFLS**


Zhang Junfang,Vice Mayor of Tianjin came to TFLS to give instructions**


Zhang Junfang,Vice Mayor of Tainjin came to TFLS to give instructions**

**毛主席、周总理的翻译 联合国副秘书长 冀朝铸(左)接受天津外院院长 修刚(右)的聘请,任我校名誉校长

Ji Chaozhu,the former Vice Seretary General of the United Nations was acceping the invitation by Xiu Gang,the Principal of TFSU,to be the honorary principal of TFLS**


Tao Xiping,Deputy Director-General of Beijing People`s Congress,the adviser of National Chief School Inspectors,Vice President of the UNESCO Associaion and the World Federation,ViceChairman of Chinese Education Society came to TFLS to give instructions with other esperts from CES**


Zhang Xiuqin,Director-General of the International Exchange Department of the Ministry of Education was hearing the school-work report from the leaders of TFLS**


Wang Jianguo,Director-General of the Student Department of the Educational Ministry was hearing the school-work report from the leaders of TFLS**


Meng Qingsong,Vice Dean of Tianjin`s Education Committee and Zhang Fengmin,National School Inspector took a photo with the leaders of TFLS when it was approved as Model Middle School**


Huang Yonggang,Vice Dean of Tianjin Education Committee come to TFLS to give instruction**


Jin Runcheng,Dean of Tianjin Education Committee attended the 45th anniversary of the school and made a speech**


Li Hong,Secretary of the Party Committee of TFSU,attended the 45th anniversary of the school and made a speech**


Professor Xiu Gang,President of TFSU,was delivering a speech at the tianjin MUN Conference for High School Students 2010**